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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Twitter for the Uninitiated!

Free twitter badgeImage via Wikipedia

So you are using Facebook, and maybe you have started your blog and have figured out all the technical aspects, and consider yourself a professional posting and updating your profile:)  Well, the good news is that Twitter is even easier to use, and YOU are going to LOVE the professional aspects of staying current in your line of work.  I started using Twitter on a regular basis about 6 months ago, and at first could not get my head around who to follow, how to search for "likeminded Pippa's", and how to stay on top of all the TWEETS or names like "hashtag", which as my son says should be banned!:)

At the recent Christian Educators Symposium in Vancouver, I was unable to attend, but I enjoyed being part of the larger network of Christian educational leaders sharing via Twitter, the impacts of 21 century learning.  Twitter became an outlet for me to share my views, make new friends online, and increase my personal learning network.  

 Here is a How to use Twitter from Howcast.com

Once you are tweeting you will also enjoy retweeting what others have to say, by clicking on the retweet button when an astute quote or link comes your way.  If you want to retweet a quote in your own words then install the extension Retweet Old School.  

To find out more about Twitter vocabulary(which is pretty hip!) go to Techak.  By the way you are not a TWIT if you use Twitter, but rather a TWEETER.  Go figure- I like twit better:)

Then the last step once you have conquered Facebook and Twitter is to sign up for Trunk.ly.  This "automagically collects the links you share online ... and makes them searchable." Now my Facebook, blog and Twitter links are stored and shared for eternity.  WOW!! Well until some new appie takes over and makes this appie outdated.

Will I ever stay on top of all the new information?  With God's help, I am learning, learning and learning.  Come learn with me and sign up for Twitter and add me:  Pippa Davies or join my Facebook for Christian Teachers and share your links and views. See logo and link on my blog wall.

As a teacher librarian I can stay on top of all the literacy, homeschooling, Christian and digital technology news in an instant!  LOVE it!

For more information on Twitter and Trunk.ly go to the following:

Blessings to you and see you on Twitter:)
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