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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Learning to Change-Changing to Learn

YouTube - Learning to Change-Changing to Learn

This video is encouraging to homeschoolers.  Would you agree with what these experts in education are saying?


  1. Very exciting! Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with the possibilities, and the necessity of looking for ways to establish godly pathways in this "new dawn" of learning possibilities! Thank you Pippa!
    As always- wonderful, applicable, thought-provoking resources and windows to the world!

  2. I watched the video a couple of times and I feel pretty excited about these innovative ideas about education. Some of the ideas mentioned, that are important to me, I feel like we are doing or moving towards them. It seems like the importance of 'schooling' is decreasing and the emphasis on true education is increasing and being redefined for the 21st century.

    Generally I feel encouraged by this video as the path we are on (home education) is leading us towards many of these goals.

    Great post Pippa! Thanks!

  3. Thanks Shelley and Katina for sharing your views on the future of education from a Godly worldview. WE can make changes before it becomes blueprint. Isn't that exciting! Blessings Pippa


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