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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Changing Education Paradigms

This Ken Robinson video, (RSA Animate) makes you think about whether we are doing anything different in our homeschooling environments?


  1. Wow! There is a lot to "chew" on there! Great post Pippa! Thank you.

  2. I just watched another one of his videos on TED about schools killing creativity.

    His idea that creativity is just as important as literarcy is really challenging. I'm going to be digesting that thought this summer....

  3. Hi Katina,
    I love these RSA videos on education and find that Ken Robinson makes us think more about which direction we are taking with our kids in education. I know that when Matt is creatively involved in something, then he is passionate about sharing. Just makes sense!! God has wired our kids to share creatively using all of their modalities. Of course sometimes that means moving away from those textbooks. Thanks for sharing:) Blessings to you Pippa


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