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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Read-A-Thon 2013 and 10 reasons for E Readers!

Read-a-thon 2013 has started this week at HCS Learning Commons,  with many excited students making literacy goals, and searching for  books which will keep them engaged!  Character trait is the theme this year, and we encourage our students to write at least one book review to share more about their favourite or least favourite character!  It is not to late to sign up.  Just go to this page here for more information.  We look forward to seeing your students participate and get excited about reading!

If you have not discovered our E Library now is the time to teach your students how to read an e book on an e reader.  We have several e readers for loan from our library in Kelowna, the Kobo ( just does e reading) and the Sony (has audio and e reading capability).  To find out more how to use the e library contact Pippa,  and she will walk you through the process.

Here are some of the positive stats around e readers and younger students!

1.  You can enlarge the font for students who struggle with tracking the words.  (Thanks Heather for sharing your experience)

2.  The Kobo has a build in dictionary, that lets you highlight and find definitions for tricky words.

3.  Research shows that E readers engage students, especially those students who need a motivational push to get them reading.  http://libraries.pewinternet.org/2012/10/23/YOUNGER-AMERICANS-READING-AND-LIBRARY-HABITS/

4.  E Books can also be read on computers,  and cell phones have become a very popular way to be read.

5.  61% of E Book readers prefer to borrow books from a library according to the PewInternet study.

6.  E books tend to make the process of loaning a book from a library much faster, and does not require a trip to the library.

7.  Borrowing an E Book is easy, once you are a registered user, and know how to use your e reader.

8.  Interactive E Books like the books coming out from Living Books via Broderbond are perfect for students who need to engage, and  manipulate more with a book, although the literacy engagement for students in general,  is to be found more with traditional E books.

9.  The Kobo Glo has a built in light similar to the elluminated iPad, but less intrusive on the eye.

10.  The Kobo and Sony e readers are light and easy to hold in one hand.

Enjoy the read-a-thon, and a new reading experience.

Many Blessings
Pippa and the learning commons team.

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