Favourite Language Arts Links

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Little Bird Tales

Little Bird Tales captures your young child's stories with creativity and cuteness personified!  This website is easy to use, and allows original art work, uploading of photographs and sounds of your sweetie chatting about their creation.  Your student will learn how to create their own little project with a few easy steps.  Watch the demo video for more information on the website.

I would love to hear if you decide to use this application, whether your students enjoyed the process?  Please blog me with your adventures in Little Bird Tales.  I would love to see and hear from you as would others regarding this new application:)

Blessings to you,
In Christ


  1. OH! I LOVE this Pippa! Thank you! What a terrific thing to share with families of young children!
    It is always so much FUN to check into your page :)
    ...feeling the possibilities...
    ...getting braver all the time :)

  2. Hi Shelley. Thanks for the encouragement:) You are already brave with your blog and calling. Have a wonderful day! Bless ya Pippa!

  3. Pippa,

    Thanks so much for your blog about Little Bird Tales! We are getting ready to release an iOS app and would love to use your comments in our description on the app store. We love your enthusiasm and your description of LBT! Thanks, and please contact me at amiee@littlebirdtales.com.

    Amiee Klem
    Co-Founder of LittleBirdTales.com

  4. Hi Amiee,
    Yes you are welcome to use my comments! Thanks so much for asking:)


Thank you for visiting my blog. I really appreciate your comments and look forward to connecting with you. God Bless you!