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Monday, January 31, 2011

Resolutions for Tech Implementation 2011

I wonder if you started off this school year with great intentions of launching some new goals that incorporate technical innovations, but have now back slid into feelings of hopelessness?  You hear God saying "Solder on dear teacher/parent/student there is still much to be done to reach your goals... " Your reply is by now a terse "Yes but Lord there is not enough time in the day"! At the rate of this information overload, with all these new teaching ideas and technical applications, how will my brain cope, let alone find time  to teach it to my students?

I have realised that if I can set myself some goals for the year and God willing He allows me to complete them, I will keep going until He tells me to stop!  I love Greg Bitgood's slogan to reach 1 million children in his lifetime.  Crazy in my language, but in God's language nothing is impossible.  I was encouraged today when I found Richard Byrne's, Edtech goals for 2011 for teachers ,and thought you might like to see his user friendly How to Do 10 Techy things in a Year.  I have posted this to my Favourites, and I am thankful that there are a few things on his list that I have completed.  Praise God!   Okay, maybe I am giving away my age here, with my tendency to take time to learn new innovations.  When I see how quickly my 14 year old Matt learns things I am covetous of his "smarts".  Thankfully my son is my best ally when it comes to learning these new applications, and I am learning humility in asking him for shortcuts.  Of course he does not know everything, but like me he has a voracious appetite to want to know more.  So with this in mind here are my goals/grateful heart for what God has started in our school this year.

1.  Encouragement with  teachers and parents to share their news via blogging!! Thank you Greg for inspiring me to get going on this!  And for inspiring all of us to be innovative teachers!
New to the blog roll are

Learningtogrowathome  Carmen Timmermans

ChristianHomeschoolResources  Pat Mackesy

Inspire  Laura Weatherley

Tina and Serena's Homeschooling Adventures  HCOS parent.

2.  Have fun Glogging, and create a Wiki to share Glogs from Christian students around the world.  I really am excited about making this a global outreach project!

3.  Create a Podcast, sharing stories and reading stories for the younger age group.

4.  Create a Facebook Page for students, teachers and parents to share how they are learning new technologies in the classroom, and also in the homeschool arena.  Please see my FB logo on my blog site to Like and then you will receive updates and have the ability to share with me:)

5.  Create Jing videos, and learn how to make my own videos look professional!

6.  Further develop my Personal Learning Network so that,  I can help educate my users about creating their own personal learning networks.  Currently I use Blogger, Facebook, Twitter and I love searching beyond Google for our HCOS Linking Library.

7.  Receive Professional development in the area of educational technology to share with my school.

8.  Create innovative teaching tools that include Christian worldview.

9.  Read Disrupting Class by Clayton Christiansen and other educational books, and host an adult book club to encourage professional development with our teachers.  Encourage my younger book club to learn new technologies along with their avid interest in reading

10.  Last but not least, Love my God with all my heart and all my might and love my family and community.

Whew I have 10 resolutions, and a whole year to enjoy learning.  I hope you will take time to learn something with me so we can all collaborate.  I would love to hear about your goals for the year:)

God Bless

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