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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Digital Media- Disrupting Class

This last week, as I have been enjoying reading my adult book club choice Disrupting Class by Clayton Christensen,  I have wrestled with many of the ideas which he celebrates as part of the 21 century way of learning.  Christensen encourages us as teachers to step out with new technology, finding lessons that meet the unique gifts in each child, and assessing them differently to the way we have been accustomed.  More and more educational sites are now  teaching digital media, from a holistic multi-sensory approach, that embody the personal learning needs of students and not the "one solution fits all".  To try and find unique sites which will allow for individualized learning, has become the HCOS thrust of teaching for the last 7 years.  We are excited about offering digital media to help parents incorporate learning, which meets their  child's specific learning needs.  From a vast array of subscriptions, to a digital library with Canadian, Christian worldview resources, and a physical campus library , we are hoping to help your students reach their individual potential in Christ.

Here are a few sites which will help your student learn how to be a digital immigrant!

Digital media is the choice of teaching in Teacher's Domain which as an online library offers 1000 free media resources from American television.  Broadcasting from Nova, Frontline, Design Squad and American Experience this database is easy to use and offers interactive learning especially with history and science video clips.  Essays, questions and grade correlation is more American based but can be used with world history and science to make learning more alive!

Other sites which teach digital activities are:

CBC Digital Archives Canadian based and easily accessible for all grades.

Library and Archives Canada.   In this Canadian  educational Resources arena you will find databases, research aids and virtual exhibits.

National Archives .  American lesson plans using primary sources.

Media Literacy Network.   Canadian M Net's Web site offers media literacy and digital literacy materials on a wide range of media, including Internet, television, film, video games, newspapers, advertising and popular music. The For Parents section offers tips for talking to kids about media content and advice on managing media use in the home. The For Teachers section includes over 200 lessons and supporting materials aligned with provincial and territorial media education outcomes for Grades K-12. The Media Issues section offers in-depth research and essays on media-related topics such as stereotyping, media violence, information privacy, Canadian cultural policies and online hate.

Integrating Technology in the Classroom is done well in Digital School Collection School Resources.  Find lesson plans which teach hands on using the whole body including visual, auditory and kinesthetic abilities.

Teaching Tech Savvy Kids supplies some hands on ideas for teaching literacy with digital media.

100 Inspiring Ways to use Social Media in the Classroom looks at ideas for K-12 incorporating technology in the classroom.

 Classroom 2.0 is the social network for those interested in Web 2.0 and Social Media in education. 

STHS Library Guides includes some of the latest information on digital technology in the classroom with Youtube videos, guides and reviews.

Free Technology for Teachers has lots of videos and short instructional ebooks.  

Instructional Technology Blog has lesson ideas for incorporating all subjects using technology, with lots of examples.

For other unique educational indexes check out our linking library.

 If you know of a great site that will help teach our students to become technically literate,  please can you let me know. Some of you may have a gift for teaching tech ed, or disrupting the class in a unique way!  We would love to hear from you:)

Blessings to you
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  1. Dear Pippa ~ You surely do provide so much information here! Thank you for taking the time to research these things out...I am sure it will all be a blessing to many for many years to come.

    In His Love,

  2. You are welcome Camille. I love serving in this capacity:) Blessings to you! Pippa


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