Today I sat down and reconfigured my blog. Now that I have a work blog I find it hard to get back and just blog for the sake of blogging, personal blogging, sharing my vulnerabilities. But my life has changed and my children are graduated and moving ahead with their lives. I am feeling nostalgic and want to move ahead with reach out and study something new, exciting and invigorating, to follow, and perhaps not to lead. Oh to be a student again, to listen, inspire and create! Having adopted a learning commons vision over the past three years in our district library, it was good to learn, inspire and lead.
Creating vision takes time, as does encouraging your team to stay inspired, motivated and working towards that vision. At times I remember feeling that roadblocks were an important part of the process; sometimes painful, but mostly gratifying at the end. Staying committed to the culture of building a learning commons, has required faithfulness and resilience. Ideation is second nature to me, and so dreaming BIG for my team was, and still is, really important. But there is that still small part of me where I long to let go, and just be a follower and not a leader. Grace and surrender are an essential part of learning. And then there is time to just rest, read and dream.
Sometimes I think I am an adrenaline junkie, or maybe simply attention deficit? I do know that staying the path is important, as is listening to the inner child. I am trusting that one design leads to another in our learning commons, that change will keep happening for the right reasons and not because I need change for change sake. I am excited about the next step, about learning whatever it takes to keep building, following, and leading in the learning commons!