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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Summer Reads

Summer has brought sunshine and more sunshine,  awesome family time, and the opportunity for reading and quiet contemplation.  What a blessing!  Thank you God for Overdrive and e libraries which make reading accessible and simple!

 I  enjoy leadership books, biographies, and fiction,  which may inspire my thinking for the new school year.  Generally I love a book with a good message, as it leaves me reflecting about where I can improve in small and big things.

This summer I have really enjoyed some of the following books:

Square Peg by Todd Rose (amazing biography about a gifted student who falls through the cracks to rise again!)

Wild by Cheryl Strayed (After doing my camino I am hooked on hiking/travel stories that imbibe adventure and survival.  This one was all about the strength of the human spirit)

Living in the Abundance of God by John Osteen (Great reminders about living from a narrative of gratitude and counting your blessings)

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry (poignant story of an elderly gent who goes on his own primitive camino in England to search his soul and find forgiveness)

The Good and Beautiful Life :  Putting on the Character of Christ by James Bryan Smith.  I really enjoyed his first book The Good and Beautiful God, which we used as a bible study and found much joy in refuting some of the baggage we have learned over the years.  I love the soul training and biblical messages the book imparts on your mind and heart.  Having an open heart as to why we may get angry, lust, worry and judge are all part of this great read!

Great By Choice by Jim Collins (Inspiring read on how simple folk who work hard, and create a lasting plan will sustain in a competitive environment,  even one that is chaotic!)

The Power of Many by Meg Whitman CEO of E Bay.   (Loved this book as the common elements in her version of leadership are trust, authenticity and good ethics) 

Linchpin by Seth Godin (Just started reading this one!)

What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell (Just started reading this one, but I love his books!)

As I plan for my year ahead I will hopefully remember many of these great leaders' thoughts and anecdotes.  Thoughtfulness, innovation, hard work, connecting in a trusting environment,  and how to validate my colleagues will be playing on my mind;)  What about you?  Have you read any great books this summer?  I would love to glean some good reads from you! 

Many blessings for a wonderful start to the school year in September!


  1. What a list my friend! I can just picture you all cosy reading outside in your back yard on the deck...it's so pretty!! You asked about our favourite reads from the summer...mine has to be "Trusting God" by Jerry Bridges. Oh! What a gem it is!! Another book that I'd like to re-read soon is "When You Rise Up" by R.C. Sproul Jr. It's SUCH an encouragement to the homeschool Dad and Mum...every home educating parent would be blessed by having a copy to read and re-read year after year. Love to you! Camille

  2. Hello Camille:) Yes I do love reading on my deck, how did you guess:)
    Ooh thanks Camille for the book suggestions. I will have to look into your suggestions! I will make sure to pass these on to others as well. Hope to connect soon. Love and God's peace and goodwill to all of you! Blessings Pippa

  3. Just stopping in to say *hello* my friend. I trust you are settling into a routine with the new school year well under way. How crazy-busy we get all of a sudden! :) Blessings, Camille


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