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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Takeaways #edtechbc

HappyValentines day to you all!

This weekend several of our HCS team descended on Vancouver to the Coast Plaza hotel to enjoy the start of the #edtechbc conference,  all things techie and distance learning.  It was great to commune with other digital leaders and hear their stories and glean from them.  Here are some of my takeaways!

Social media continues to drive  all learning, which is relevant to our students' 21 century needs.  Encouraging our students to become creators, and producers as opposed to consumers was the name of the game.  Follow our keynote Bradley Shende @b_radley to catch up on all things technology.  His motto is "I Click".  

The ministry gave us a heads up that the learning outcomes will be changing in the next year or two to reflect the 21 century challenges!

Digital citizenship is still on the top agenda for students to create their own digital archive of learning to take with them into adulthood.  Another reason to blog ℅ George Couros our second keynote.  Follow him on Twitter @gcouros.

Researching tools, new on the net,  and teaching students how to evaluate online was also discussion worthy!  

Blackboard Collaborate is working on resolving issues that have caused some issues lately in the virtual classroom.

Gord Holden, April Mcleod, Richard Bitgood, Greg Bitgood,  and myself shared on all things techie and wonderful happening in our school!  I made sure to do a shout out for all things Ning, E Books, research, blogging and social interaction in our learning commons.  There was lots of great feedback and discussion about new trends and old trends in education, and how we are keeping abreast of changes.

To catch up on some of the story in tweet language read my Storify.

If you need some updating in your ed tech language check our this great infographic to see if you are on top of all things ed techie!

Blessings to you:)


  1. Pippa...it makes my head swim sometimes when I consider the sheer volume of information available at our fingertips...literally a click away! There are days when I want to escape to the "Little House on the Prairie" era. I know they faced their own set of challenges...perhaps, on second thought, it would be a good thing to just learn to deal with this current life. LOL!!

    Blessings to you!

  2. Hi Camille,
    Yes I agree sometimes I want to run and hide when I see the waves of information which ride over me:) Little House on the Prairie lol, yes it sounds peaceful! However I do love learning, and so finding unique ways to make learning fun and relevant is definitely part of what makes my ministry so appealing:) Thanks for sharing Camille. Blessings to you!


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