Favourite Language Arts Links

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

December Favourites!

holiday wishes
holiday wishes (Photo credit: howard.hall)
This past few weeks my son and I have been counting our blessings (journal),  as part of our preparation for the Christmas celebration in December.  I have been encouraged to do this from reading other bloggers sharing their faith,  and also from the new book I have been reading with my book club.  Revealing God's goodness and sharing in His many blessings is such an awesome testimony to see faith at work,  and His provisions on a daily basis.

Cover of "The Good and Beautiful God: Fal...
Cover via Amazon
 In our local community book club which meets once a month,  we are taking turns to lead, share our struggles, and our doubts whilst encouraging soul training.  James Bryon Smith's The Good and Beautiful God, is bringing us all closer to knowing the goodness of Him, reflecting with some powerful but simple exercises.  These include; prayer meditation, finding time to sleep really well, counting your blessings and praising Him.  AND I am only on Chapter 2!

Having read his first book called Embracing the Love of God which was truly a huge blessing and encouragement for me when my mum died, I am enjoying the practical implications that Smith's profound wisdom bring to the table in this bible study.  If you would like to join our virtual book club and share on the ning, please follow this link and sign up.  If you are not a member of the ning please email your teacher or myself for an invite.

One of our sisters in Christ Tina,  shared this Imagodeicommunity link which includes prayerful meditations.  You can subscribe to these and have them sent as a devotion on a daily basis.


For further Christmas and learning commons news check out our new edition of our Scoopit HCS learning commons newsletter!

Blessings to you and your families this Christmas season:)
With love in Christ
From the learning commons team!
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  1. Yippee for counting your blessings! Oh, the LORD's Goodness is everywhere!! May HE bless you this day and always with HIS peace and presence. Thank you for your sweet friendship and for your continual encouragement Pippa!

    With love,

  2. Indeed God is good all the time! Thank you for your prayers, friendship and encouragement likewise Camille!

  3. Dear Pippa ~ I just want you to know what a sweet blessing you have been to me recently...thank you for all the love and kindness you have shown to our family...and for praying. May the LORD bless you and your family with HIS peace and presence now and throughout the coming year. Merry Christmas!


  4. Dear Camille:) Oh you are so welcome! Thank you for your kind words! I hope through your journey you will sense the Lord's continuing peace and warm embrace as you rely on Him for strength! Many blessings and soft kisses from God on all of your family!


Thank you for visiting my blog. I really appreciate your comments and look forward to connecting with you. God Bless you!